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London Craft Week | FiredUp4 Event

Thursday 12 May at 3pm | Catch up if you missed it

FiredUp4 at Museum of the Home

  • Thursday, May 12, 2022 (Catch up video available below)

EVENT: FiredUp4 at Museum of the Home
London Craft Week Event - 3 pm, Thursday 12 May

Museum of the Home Panel & FiredUp4 Discussion: How ceramics enhance our lives and our homes. Panel Sonia Solicari (Chair), Barnaby Barford, Rich Miller & Marijke Varrall-Jones.

Chaired and hosted by Sonia Solicari (director) at the Museum of the Home, the panel will include artist, Barnaby Barford and ceramicist, Rich Miller alongside market expert and MAAK director, Marijke Varrall-Jones. Exploring the benefits of creativity on mental wellbeing and how this fits with the need to provide young people with a safe, inclusive and inspiring space, the panel will discuss FiredUp4’s mission to make clay accessible for young people up and down the country through OnSide Youth Zones.

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